Juan Gómez Romero

Proyectos de Investigación

  • (PID2021-125537NA-I00) Aprendizaje Profundo de Modelos de Simulación de Edificios para Mejora de la Eficiencia Energética
    • Fecha: 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2025
    • Investigador Principal: Molina-Solana, Miguel
    • Investigadores: Gómez-Romero, Juan / Fajardo-Contreras, Waldo
  • (PID2021-123960OB-I00) Aprendizaje Federado Flexible con Fuentes Heterogéneas para la Preservación de la Seguridad y la Privacidad de Datos: Aplicaciones en Salud
    • Fecha: 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2025
    • Investigador Principal: Martín-Bautista, María José / Ruiz-Jiménez, María Dolores
    • Participantes: blanco, ignacio j. / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Valls-Prieto, Javier / Peña-Yáñez, M. Carmen / RUIZ-DIAZ, MARIA PILAR / Onieva-García, María Ángeles / Rivas-Ruiz, Francisco / Fernandez-Basso , Carlos / Gutiérrez-Batista, Karel / Ortiz, Bartolomé / Morales, Andrea / Morcillo , Roberto / Diaz, Jose Angel
  • (A-TIC-244-UGR20) Aprendizaje Profundo de Modelos de Simulacio-N
    • Fecha: 01/07/2021 - 30/06/2023
    • Investigador Principal: Molina-Solana, Miguel / Gómez-Romero, Juan
    • Investigadores: Fajardo-Contreras, Waldo
  • (2020-EU-IA-0252) Iberian Media Research & Fact-Checking - Iberifier
    • Fecha: 01/01/2020 - 27/07/2024
    • Colaboradores: Gómez-Romero, Juan
    • Investigadores: Salaverria-aliaga, Ramón
  • (TIN2017-91223-EXP) Deep Learning para Control y Eficiencia Energetica en Edificios
    • Fecha: 01/09/2018 - 01/09/2020
    • Manager: Gómez-Romero, Juan
  • (786687) Copkit Technology, Training for Early-Warning/Early-Action Led Policing in Fighting Organised Crime and Terrorism
    • Fecha: 02/07/2018 - 30/06/2021
    • Colaboradores: Gómez-Romero, Juan
    • Investigadores: Valls-Prieto, Javier / Fernandez-Basso , Carlos
  • (786687) Copkit -Technology, Training and Knowledge for Early-Warning / Early-Action Led Policing in Fighting Organised Crime and Terrorism
    • Fecha: 01/06/2018 - 31/05/2021
    • Manager: Martín-Bautista, María José
    • Investigadores: Gómez-Romero, Juan / Ruiz-Jiménez, María Dolores / Gutiérrez-Batista, Karel / Fernandez-Basso , Carlos
  • (TIN2015-64776-C3-1-R) Analisis Inteligente de Datos para Gestion de la Eficiencia Energetica en Instalaciones Distribuidas
    • Fecha: 01/01/2016 - 31/12/2018
    • Manager: Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel / Pegalajar-Jimenez, Maria Del Carmen
    • Investigadores: Martín-Bautista, María José / Vila-Miranda, María Amparo / Ramos-Ridao, A.F. / Ruiz-Padillo, Diego Pablo / Ordóñez-García, B. Javier / Pegalajar-Cuéllar, Manuel / Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Jadraque-Gago, Eulalia / Martínez-Aires, María Dolores / ESPÍN ESTRELLA, ANTONIO
  • (PYR-2014-10) Semi-Automatic Taxonomy Learning from Corpora
    • Fecha: 01/04/2014 - 31/12/2014
    • Investigador Principal: Gómez-Romero, Juan
    • Investigadores: León-Araúz, Pilar / Pelegrina-Ortiz, Ana Belén
  • (608981) Energy in Time: Simulation Based Control for Energy Efficiency Building Operation and Maintenance
    • Fecha: 01/10/2013 - 30/09/2017
    • Manager: Martín-Bautista, María José
    • Investigadores: Molina-Solana, Miguel / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Ros-Izquierdo, María / Ruiz-Jiménez, María Dolores / Fernández-basso, Carlos / Campaña-Gómez, Jesús Roque / Fernandez-Basso , Carlos
    • Participantes: Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel / Vila-Miranda, María Amparo / Martínez-Aires, María Dolores
  • (TIN2012-30939) Modelado y Control de Entornos Monitorizados Multiusuario Empleando Información Heterogénea. Aplicación a la Mejora de Eficiencia Energética
    • Fecha: 01/01/2013 - 31/12/2015
    • Investigador Principal: Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel
    • Investigadores: Gómez-Romero, Juan / Martínez-Aires, María Dolores / Molina-Solana, Miguel / Ros-Izquierdo, María / Martín-Bautista, María José / Ruiz-Jiménez, María Dolores
    • Participantes: L.G.B. Ruiz
  • (312651 (FP7-SEC-2012-1)) Epoolice: Early Pursuit Against Organized Crime Using Environmental Scanning, the Law and Intelligence Systems
    • Fecha: 01/01/2013 - 31/12/2015
    • Manager: Martín-Bautista, María José
    • Investigadores: Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel / Vila-Miranda, María Amparo / Suarez-Lopez, Jose Maria / Valls-Prieto, Javier / Ruiz-Jiménez, María Dolores / Gómez-Romero, Juan
  • (P07-TIC-02786) Un Sistema para la Movilización del Conocimiento Contenido en una Base de Datos Poco Estructurada. Aplicación a los Textos de una Base de Historias Clínicas
    • Fecha: 01/02/2008 - 31/01/2012
    • Manager: Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel
    • Investigadores: Peña-Yáñez, M. Carmen / Prados-De Reyes, Miguel Angel / Vila-Miranda, María Amparo / Sanchez-Fernandez, Daniel / Pegalajar-Jimenez, Maria Del Carmen / Mariscal-Ortiz, Marcial / Delgado-Rodríguez, Miguel / Clares-Rodriguez, Buenaventura / Guillén-Solvas, José Francisco / Prados-Suarez, Mª Belen / Molina-Fernández, Carlos / Pegalajar-Cuéllar, Manuel / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Ruiz-Jiménez, María Dolores
  • (P06-TIC-1433) Gestion Semántica de Datos Documentales mediante Técnicas de Soft Computing. Aplicación al Control de Autoridades
    • Fecha: 11/04/2007 - 31/03/2010
    • Manager: Vila-Miranda, María Amparo
    • Investigadores: Martín-Bautista, María José / Cubero-Talavera, Juan Carlos / Berzal-Galiano, Fernando / Marín-Ruiz, Nicolás / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel / Moya-Anegon, Felix De / Herrero-Solana, Victor Federico / Martinez-Cruz, Carmen / Justicia-De La Torre, Consuelo / Gibaja-Galindo, Eva Lucrecia / Carrasco-Gonzaléz, Ramón Alberto / Moreno-Vázquez, Mª Del Carmen / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando
  • (CENIT_HESPERIA) Hesperia: Homeland Security: Tecnologias para la Seguridad Integral en Espacios Publicos e Infraestructuras.
    • Fecha: 01/01/2007 - 30/12/2009
    • Manager: Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel
    • Investigadores: Sanchez-Fernandez, Daniel / Marín-Ruiz, Nicolás / Fajardo-Contreras, Waldo / Pegalajar-Jimenez, Maria Del Carmen / Requena-Ramos, Ignacio / Castro-Peña, Juan Luis / Chamorro-Martínez, Jesús / Pegalajar-Cuéllar, Manuel / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Ruiz-Lozano, María Dolores / Medina-Quero, Javier
  • (TIN2006-15041-C04-01) Movilizacion de Conocimiento Procedente de Informacion Heterogenea. una Aplicacion Medioambiental
    • Fecha: 01/10/2006 - 30/09/2009
    • Manager: Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel
    • Investigadores: Martín-Bautista, María José / Vila-Miranda, María Amparo / Marín-Ruiz, Nicolás / Zamorano-Toro, Montserrat / Pegalajar-Jimenez, Maria Del Carmen / Requena-Ramos, Ignacio / Gibaja-Galindo, Eva Lucrecia / Duarte-Velasco, Oscar Germán / Molina-Fernández, Carlos / Pérez-Pérez, Ramón / Pegalajar-Cuéllar, Manuel / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando


  • An Experimental Evaluation of Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Hvac Control (2024)
    • DOI: 10.1007/s10462-024-10819-x
    • Artificial Intelligence Review vol. 57 (pags 173 - )
    • Manjavacas, Antonio / Campoy-Nieves, Alejandro / Jiménez-Raboso, Javier / Molina-Solana, Miguel / Gómez-Romero, Juan
  • An Ai Knowledge Based System for Police Assistance in Crime Investigation (2024)
    • DOI: 10.1111/exsy.13524
    • Expert Systems (pags e13524 - )
    • Fernandez-Basso , Carlos / Gutiérrez-Batista, Karel / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Ruiz-Jiménez, María Dolores / Martín-Bautista, María José
  • A Big Data Association Rule Mining Based Approach for Energy Building Behaviour Analysis in An Iot Environment (2023)
    • DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-47056-1
    • Scientific Reports vol. 13 num. 1 (pags 19810 - )
    • Ruiz-Jiménez, María Dolores / Fernandez-Basso , Carlos / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Martín-Bautista, María José
  • Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Data-Driven Simulation: Advantages, Limitations, and Opportunities (2023)
    • DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2022.128415
    • Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications vol. 610 (pags 128415 - )
    • Fernández, Félix / Gijón, Alfonso / Molina-Solana, Miguel / Gómez-Romero, Juan
  • Tsxtend: a Tool for Batch Analysis of Temporal Sensor Data (2023)
    • DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/en16041581
    • Energies
    • Morcillo , Roberto / Gutiérrez-Batista, Karel / Gómez-Romero, Juan
  • Big Data Architecture for Building Energy Management Systems (2022)
    • DOI: 10.1109/TII.2021.3130052
    • IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics vol. 18 num. 9 (pags 5738 - 5747)
    • Ruiz-Jiménez, María Dolores / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Fernandez-Basso , Carlos / Martín-Bautista, María José
  • A Word Embedding Based Method for Unsupervised Adaptation of Cooking Recipes (2021)
    • DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3058559
    • IEEE Access vol. 9 (pags 27389 - 27404)
    • Morales, Andrea / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Martín-Bautista, María José
  • Minimalistic Fuzzy Ontology Reasoning: An Application to Building Information Modeling (2021)
    • DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.2021.107158
    • Applied Soft Computing num. 103 (pags 107158 - )
    • Huitzil-Velasco, Ignacio / Molina-Solana, Miguel / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando
  • Fudge: Fuzzy Ontology Building with Consensuated Fuzzy Datatypes (2020)
    • DOI: 10.1016/j.fss.2020.04.001
    • Fuzzy Sets and Systems num. 401 (pags 91 - 112)
    • Huitzil, Ignacio / Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Straccia, Umberto
  • Towards a Large-Scale Twitter Observatory for Political Events (2020)
    • DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2019.10.013
    • Future Generation Computer Systems vol. 110 (pags 976 - 983)
    • Senaka, Fernando / Amador, Julio / Serban, Ovidiu / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Molina-Solana, Miguel / Guo, Yike
  • Time Series Analysis for Predicting Hydroelectric Power Production: the Ecuador Case (2019)
    • DOI: 10.3390/su11236539
    • Sustainability vol. 11 num. 23 (pags 6539 - )
    • Barzola-Monteses, Julio / Mite-León, Mónica / Espinoza-Andaluz, Mayken / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Fajardo-Contreras, Waldo
  • A Probabilistic Algorithm for Predictive Control with Full-Complexity Models in Non-Residential Buildings (2019)
    • DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2906311
    • IEEE Access vol. 7 (pags 38748 - 38765)
    • Gómez-Romero, Juan / Fernandez-Basso , Carlos / Cambronero, María Victoria / Molina-Solana, Miguel / Campaña-Gómez, Jesús Roque / Ruiz-Jiménez, María Dolores / Martín-Bautista, María José
  • Not All Lies Are Equal. a Study into the Engineering of Political Misinformation in the 2016 Us Presidential Election (2019)
    • DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2938389
    • IEEE Access vol. 7 (pags 126305 - 126314)
    • Oehmichen, Axel / Hua, Kevin / Amador, Julio / Molina-Solana, Miguel / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Guo, Yike
  • Comfort As a Service: a New Paradigm for Residential Environmental Quality Control (2018)
    • DOI: 10.3390/su10093053
    • Sustainability vol. 10 num. 9 (pags 3053 - )
    • Gómez-Romero, Juan / Molina-Solana, Miguel / Ros-Izquierdo, María / Ruiz-Jiménez, María Dolores / Martín-Bautista, María José
    • Web: Leer artículo
  • Visualizing Large Knowledge Graphs: a Performance Analysis (2018)
    • DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2018.06.015
    • Future Generation Computer Systems vol. 89 (pags 224 - 238)
    • Gómez-Romero, Juan / Molina-Solana, Miguel / Oehmichen, Axel / Yike, Guo
  • Data Science for Building Energy Management: a Review (2017)
    • DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2016.11.132
    • Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews vol. 70 (pags 598 - 609)
    • Molina-Solana, Miguel / Ros-Izquierdo, María / Ruiz-Jiménez, María Dolores / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Martín-Bautista, María José
  • Information Fusion from Multiple Databases Using Meta-Association Rules (2017)
    • DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijar.2016.09.006
    • International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol. 80 (pags 185 - 198)
    • Ruiz-Jiménez, María Dolores / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Molina-Solana, Miguel / Ros-Izquierdo, María / Martín-Bautista, María José
    • Web: Leer artículo
  • Meta-Association Rules for Mining Interesting Associations in Multiple Datasets (2016)
    • DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2016.08.014
    • Applied Soft Computing vol. 49 (pags 212 - 223)
    • Ruiz-Jiménez, María Dolores / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Molina-Solana, Miguel / Campaña-Gómez, Jesús Roque / Martín-Bautista, María José
    • Web: Leer artículo
  • A Fuzzy Extension of the Semantic Building Information Model (2015)
    • DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2015.04.007
    • Automation in Construction vol. 57 (pags 202 - 212)
    • Gómez-Romero, Juan / Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Ros-Izquierdo, María / Molina-Solana, Miguel / Ruiz-Jiménez, María Dolores / Martín-Bautista, María José
    • Web: Leer artículo
  • Context-Based Multi-Level Information Fusion for Harbor Surveillance (2015)
    • DOI: 10.1016/j.inffus.2014.01.011
    • Information Fusion vol. 21 (pags 173 - 186)
    • Gómez-Romero, Juan / Serrano, Miguel A. / Garcia, Jesus / Molina, Jose M. / Rogova, Galina
    • Web: Leer artículo
  • Joining Gödel and Zadeh Fuzzy Logics in Fuzzy Description Logics (2012)
    • DOI: 10.1142/S0218488512500249
    • International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems vol. 20 num. 4 (pags 475 - 508)
    • Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Straccia, Umberto
  • Delorean: a Reasoner for Fuzzy Owl 2 (2012)
    • DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2011.07.016
    • Expert Systems with Applications vol. 39 num. 1 (pags 258 - 272)
    • Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel / Gómez-Romero, Juan
    • Web: Leer artículo
  • Ontological Representation of Light Wave Camera Data to Support Vision-Based Ami (2012)
    • DOI: 10.3390/s120912126
    • Sensors vol. 12 (pags 12126 - 12152)
    • Serrrano, Miguel A. / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Patricio, Miguel A. / García, Jesús / Molina, José M.
  • Context-Based Scene Recognition from Visual Data in Smart Homes: An Information Fusion Approach (2011)
    • DOI: 10.1007/s00779-011-0450-9
    • Personal and Ubiquitous Computing vol. 16 num. 7 (pags 835 - 857)
    • Gómez-Romero, Juan / Serrano, Miguel A. / Patricio, Miguel A. / García, Jesús / Molina, José M.
    • Web: Leer artículo
  • Communication in Distributed Tracking Systems: An Ontology Based Approach to Improve Cooperation (2011)
    • DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0394.2011.00600.x
    • Expert Systems vol. 28 num. 4 (pags 288 - 305)
    • Gómez-Romero, Juan / Patricio, Miguel A. / García, Jesús / Molina, José M.
  • Ontology-Based Context Representation and Reasoning for Object Tracking and Scene Interpretation in Video (2011)
    • Expert Systems with Applications vol. 38 num. 6 (pags 7494 - 7510)
    • Gómez-Romero, Juan / Patricio, Miguel Á. / García, Jesús / Molina, José M.
    • Web: Leer artículo
  • A Semantic Fuzzy Expert System for a Fuzzy Balanced Scorecard (2009)
    • Expert Systems with Applications vol. 36 num. 1 (pags 423 - 433)
    • Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Lopez-Gonzalez,Enrique
    • Web: Leer artículo
  • Fuzzy Description Logics under Gödel Semantics (2009)
    • International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol. 50 num. 3 (pags 494 - 514)
    • Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Straccia-,Umberto
    • Web: Leer artículo
  • Crisp Representations and Reasoning for Fuzzy Description Logics (2009)
    • DOI: 10.1142/S0218488509006121
    • International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems vol. 17 num. 4 (pags 501 - 530)
    • Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel / Gómez-Romero, Juan
    • Web: Leer artículo
  • Towards Interoperability in Tracking Systems: An Ontology-Based Approach (2009)
    • DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-02264-7_51
    • Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 5601 (pags 496 - 505)
    • Molina-López, José Manuel / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Patricio-,Miguel Ángel / García-Herrero,Jesús
    • Web: Leer artículo
  • Representation of Context-Dependant Knowledge in Ontologies: a Model and An Application (2008)
    • Expert Systems with Applications vol. 35 num. 4 (pags 1899 - 1908)
    • Gómez-Romero, Juan / Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel
  • A Crisp Representation for Fuzzy Shoin with Fuzzy Nominals and General Concept Inclusions (2008)
    • Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 5327 (pags 174 - 188)
    • Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel / Gómez-Romero, Juan
  • Optimizing the Crisp Representation of the Fuzzy Description Logic Sroiq (2008)
    • Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 5327 (pags 189 - 206)
    • Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel / Gómez-Romero, Juan
  • A Design Pattern for Representing Relevance in Owl Ontologies (2007)
    • Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 4825 (pags 72 - 85)
    • Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel / Gómez-Romero, Juan
  • A Flexible Architecture for Distributed Knowledge Based Systems with Nomadic Access Through Handheld Devices (2005)
    • Expert Systems with Applications vol. 29 num. 4 (pags 965 - 975)
    • Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Magaña-Redondo, Pedro Javier / Pérez-Pérez, Ramón
    • Web: Leer artículo


  • Sistemas de Fusión de Datos e Información de Contexto (2013)
    • Editorial Académica Española
    • Molina, José Manuel / Patricio, Miguel Ángel / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Berlanga-de Jesús, Antonio / Martí, Enrique / Luis-bustamante, Álvaro / Serrano, Miguel / Pozo, Alberto / Cilla, Rodrigo

Capítulos de libro

  • Ontologies for Representation and Exploitation of Contextual Information (pags 1 - 22) (2016)
    • Advanced Algorithms for Effectively Fusing Hard and Soft Information - ISBN: 978-92-837-2025-6
    • García, Jesús / Gómez-Romero, Juan
  • Context-Based Activity Recognition in Vision Systems (pags 627 - 651) (2016)
    • Context Enhanced Information Fusion: Boosting Real-World Performance with Domain Knowledge - ISBN: 978-3-319-28971-7
    • Gómez-Romero, Juan / Patricio, Miguel A. / Serrano, Miguel A. / García, Jesús / Molina, José M.
  • Reasoning in Fuzzy Owl 2 with Delorean (pags 122 - 141) (2013)
    • Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web II - ISBN: 978-3-642-35974-3
    • Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel / Gómez-Romero, Juan
  • A Practical Approach to the Development of Ontology-Based Information Fusion Systems (pags 176 - 183) (2013)
    • Prediction and Recognition of Piracy Efforts Using Collaborative Human-Centric Information Systems - ISBN: 978-1-61499-200-4
    • Gómez-Romero, Juan / Serrano, Miguel A. / Patricio, Miguel A. / Molina, José M.
  • Distributed Data Fusion in Visual Sensor Networks (pags 437 - 467) (2012)
    • Distributed Data Fusion for Network-Centric Operations - ISBN: 978-1-43-985830-1
    • Castanedo, Federico / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Patricio, Miguel A. / García, Jesús / Molina, José M.
  • High-Level Information Fusion in Visual Sensor Networks (pags 197 - 223) (2012)
    • Visual Information Processing in Wireless Sensor Networks: Technology, Trends and Applications - ISBN: 978-1-61350-153-5
    • Gómez-Romero, Juan / García, Jesús / Patricio, Miguel A. / Molina, José M. / Llinas, James


  • Data Science for Efficient Building Energy Management (Congreso)
    • Gómez-Romero, Juan
    • Artificial Intelligence International Conference - 21/11/2018 - 23/11/2018 (Barcelona)
  • Energy in Time Project: Summary of Final Results (Congreso)
    • Conserva, Andrea / De Melo, Paulo / Klebow, Birthe / Conaghan, Catherine / Vinot, Benoit / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Ruiz-Jiménez, María Dolores / Martín-Bautista, María José / Sauter, Dominique / Ghosh, Anarta / Millán, Gema / Alexeeva, Inna / Gomez, Belen / Levrat, Eric / Voisin, Alexandre / Heino, Jukka
    • 12Th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water, and Environment Systems - 04/10/2017 - 08/10/2017 (Dubrovnik (Croacia))
  • Managing Personal Data Across the Eu in the Age of Big Data and Information Fusion (Congreso)
    • Gómez-Romero, Juan
    • The Data Dialogue - 29/09/2016 - 27/07/2024 (University of Oxford)
  • Open Data Analysis for Environmental Scanning in Security-Oriented Strategic Analysis (Congreso)
    • Gómez-Romero, Juan / Ruiz-Jiménez, María Dolores / Martín-Bautista, María José
    • 19Th International Conference on Information Fusion - 05/07/2016 - 08/07/2016 (Heidelberg (Alemania))
  • Open Linked Data Mining for Environmental Scanning (Congreso)
    • Gómez-Romero, Juan / Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Ruiz-Jiménez, María Dolores / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel
    • XVIII Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy - 25/05/2016 - 27/05/2016 (DONOSITA- SAN SEBASTIAN, SPAIN)
  • On the Application of Data Mining Techniques to Graded Ontology Building (Congreso)
    • Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Ruiz-Jiménez, María Dolores / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Sanchez-Fernandez, Daniel
    • XVIII Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy - 25/05/2016 - 27/05/2017 (San Sebastián)
  • Advances in Data Science for Building Energy Management (Congreso)
    • Gómez-Romero, Juan / Ruiz-Jiménez, María Dolores / Fernandez-Basso , Carlos / Molina-Solana, Miguel / Ros-Izquierdo, María / Martín-Bautista, María José
    • 9Th International Conference Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings and Smart Communities - 16/03/2016 - 18/03/2016 (Franckfurt, Germany)
  • Fuzzy Meta-Association Rules for Information Fusion (Congreso)
    • Ruiz-Jiménez, María Dolores / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Martín-Bautista, María José / Sanchez-Fernandez, Daniel / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel
    • International Conference on Information Fusion - 06/07/2015 - 09/07/2015 (WASHINGTON, ESTADOS UNIDOS)
  • Fuzzy Meta-Association Rules (Congreso)
    • Ruiz-Jiménez, María Dolores / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Martín-Bautista, María José / Sanchez-Fernandez, Daniel / Vila-Miranda, María Amparo / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel
    • 16Th World Congress of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and the 9Th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology - 30/06/2015 - 03/07/2015 (Gijón)
  • Meta-Association Rules for Fusing Regular Rules from Different Databases (Congreso)
    • Ruiz-Jiménez, María Dolores / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Martín-Bautista, María José / Sanchez-Fernandez, Daniel / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel
    • 17Th International Conference on Information Fusion - 07/07/2014 - 10/07/2014 (Salamanca, España)
  • Sentencias Cuantificadas Difusas: Aplicaciones a la Fusión de Información (Congreso)
    • Ruiz, M. Dolores / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Sanchez-Fernandez, Daniel / Martín-Bautista, María José
    • XVII Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy - 05/02/2014 - 07/02/2014 (Zaragoza)
  • Fuzzy Ontologies for Specialized Knowledge Representation in Wordnet (Congreso)
    • Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Gómez-Romero, Juan / León-Araúz, Pilar
    • 14Th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems - 09/07/2012 - 13/07/2012 (Catania, Italia)
  • Applying the Dynamic Region Connection Calculus to Exploit Geographic Knowledge in Maritime Surveillance (Congreso)
    • Serrano, Miguel A. / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Patricio, Miguel A. / García, Jesús / Molina, José M.
    • 15Th International Conference on Information Fusion - 09/07/2012 - 12/07/2012 (SINGAPUR)
  • A Fuzzy Ontology Extension of Wordnet and Eurowordnet for Specialized Knowledge (Congreso)
    • León-Araúz, Pilar / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando
    • 10Th Terminology and Knowledge Engineering Conference - 19/06/2012 - 22/06/2012 (- MADRID, ESPAÑA , ESPAÑA)
  • Ontological Representation of Time-of-Flight Camera Data to Support Vision-Based Ami (Congreso)
    • Serrano, Miguel A. / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Patricio, Miguel A. / García, Jesús / Molina, José M.
    • 4Rd International Workshop on Sensor Networks and Ambient Intelligence - 19/03/2012 - 23/03/2012 (Lugano, AEDERMANNDORF, SUIZA)
  • Lógica Difusa en Sistemas de Fusión de Información Visual: Aplicaciones, Extensiones y Propuestas (Congreso)
    • Gómez-Romero, Juan / García, Jesús / Patricio, Miguel A. / Serrano, Miguel A. / Molina, José M.
    • XVI Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy (Estylf 2012) - 01/01/2012 - 27/07/2024 (ESPAÑA, VALLADOLID)
  • On the Representation and Exploitation of Context Knowledge in a Harbor Surveillance Scenario (Congreso)
    • García, Jesús / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Patricio, Miguel A. / Molina, José Manuel / Rogova, Galina
    • 14Th International Conference on Information Fusion - 05/07/2011 - 08/07/2011 (CHICAGO, EE UU)
  • Context Representation and Reasoning with Formal Ontologies (Congreso)
    • Gómez-Romero, Juan / Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel
    • Workshop on Activity Context Representation: Techniques and Languages (1) (1.2011.San Francisco, Ee. Uu.) - 01/01/2011 - 27/07/2024 (SAN FRANCISCO, EE. UU.)
  • Kownledge Mobilization to Support Environmental Impact Assessment (Congreso)
    • Garrido-Sánchez, Julián / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel / Requena-Ramos, Ignacio
    • International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development - 01/01/2010 - 27/07/2024 (COMUNIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE VALENCIA, ESPAÑA)
  • Evaluación de Riesgos en Redes Eléctricas: una Aproximación Difusa (Comunicación en congreso)
    • Molina-López, José Manuel / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Berlanga-,Antonio
    • III Congreso Español de Informática (Cedi) 2010 - 01/01/2010 - 27/07/2024 (VALENCIA, SPAIN)
  • Strategies and Techniques for Use and Exploitation of Contextual Information in High-Level Fusion Architectures (Congreso)
    • Molina-López, José Manuel / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Garcia-Herrero,Jesus / Kandefer-,Michael / Llinas-,James / Patricio-,Miguel Ángel / Prentice-,Michael / Shapiro-,Stuart
    • International Conference on Information Fusion (13) (13.2010.Edimburgo, Reino Unido) - 01/01/2010 - 27/07/2024 (EDIMBURGO, REINO UNIDO)
  • Knowledge Representation in Environmental Impact Assessment - a Case of Study with High Level Requirements in Validation (Congreso)
    • Gómez-Romero, Juan / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel / Requena-Ramos, Ignacio
    • International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (1) (1.2009.Funchal, Portugal) - 01/01/2009 - 27/07/2024 (FUNCHAL, PORTUGAL)
  • Context-Based Reasoning Using Ontologies to Adapt Visual Tracking in Surveillance (Congreso)
    • Molina-López, José Manuel / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Patricio-,Miguel Ángel / García-Herrero,Jesús
    • 6Th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (6) (6.2009.Genova, Italia) - 01/01/2009 - 27/07/2024 (GENOVA, ITALIA)
  • Ontological Representation of Context Knowledge for Visual Data Fusion (Congreso)
    • Molina-López, José Manuel / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Patricio-,Miguel Ángel / Garcia-Herrero,Jesus
    • International Conference on Information Fusion (12) (12.2009.Seattle, Wa, Usa) - 01/01/2009 - 27/07/2024 (SEATTLE, WA, USA)
  • Towards the Implementation of An Ontology-Based Reasoning System for Visual Information Fusion (Congreso)
    • Molina-López, José Manuel / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Garcia-Herrero,Jesus / Patricio-,Miguel Ángel
    • Skövde Workshop on Information Fusion Topics (Swift 2009) (3) (3.2009.Skövde, Suecia) - 01/01/2009 - 27/07/2024 (SKÖVDE, SUECIA)
  • Delorean: a Reasoner for Fuzzy Owl 1.1 (Congreso)
    • Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel / Gómez-Romero, Juan
    • International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (Ursw 2008) (4) (4.2008.Karlsruhe, Germania) - 01/01/2008 - 27/07/2024 (KARLSRUHE, GERMANIA)
  • Representation of Context-Dependant Relevance Relations with Fuzzy Ontologies (Congreso)
    • Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel / Gómez-Romero, Juan
    • Workshop on Advancing Reasoning on the Web: Scalability and Commonsense (Area 2008) (1) (1.2008.Tenerife, España) - 01/01/2008 - 27/07/2024 (TENERIFE, ESPAÑA)
  • Portal Semántico Bibliográfico (Poster en Congreso)
    • Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel / Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Moreno-Vázquez, Mª Del Carmen
    • Congreso Español de Informatica (2) (2.2007.Zaragoza. España) - 01/01/2007 - 27/07/2024 (ZARAGOZA. ESPAÑA)
  • A Design Pattern for Representing Relevance in Owl Ontologies (Congreso)
    • Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel / Gómez-Romero, Juan
    • International Semantic Web Conference (Iswc 2007) (6) (6.2007.Busan, Corea del Sur) - 01/01/2007 - 27/07/2024 (BUSAN, COREA DEL SUR)
  • Extending Fuzzy Description Logics with a Possibilistic Layer (Congreso)
    • Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel / Gómez-Romero, Juan
    • Iswc Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (Ursw 2007) (3) (3.2007.Busan, South Korea) - 01/01/2007 - 27/07/2024 (BUSAN, SOUTH KOREA)
  • Optimizing the Crisp Representation of the Fuzzy Description Logic Sroiq (Comunicación en congreso)
    • Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel / Gómez-Romero, Juan
    • Iswc Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (Ursw 2007) (3) (3.2007.Busan, South Korea) - 01/01/2007 - 27/07/2024 (BUSAN, SOUTH KOREA)
  • Introducing Semantics and Vagueness in a Balanced Scorecard (Congreso)
    • Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Lopez-Gonzalez,Enrique
    • Congreso Internacional de Inteligencia Computacional (Ciic 2007) (7) (7.2007.Bogotá, Colombia) - 01/01/2007 - 27/07/2024 (BOGOTÁ, COLOMBIA)
  • Multiagent System to Support Botanic Study (Poster en Congreso)
    • Fajardo-Contreras, Waldo / Gibaja-Galindo, Eva Lucrecia / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Pérez-Pérez, Ramón
    • IV International Conference on Multimedia and Information and Communication\\ Technologies in Education - 22/11/2006 - 25/11/2006 (Sevilla, Spain)
  • Uso de Modelos de Restricción del Contexto para el Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Móviles Inteligentes (Congreso)
    • Gómez-Romero, Juan / Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel
    • XIII Congreso Español sobre Tecnologias y Logica Fuzzy (Estylf 2006) () (.2006.Ciudad Real) - 01/01/2006 - 27/07/2024 (CIUDAD REAL)
  • Uso de Modelos de Restricción del Contexto para el Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Móviles Inteligentes (Comunicación en congreso)
    • Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel / Gómez-Romero, Juan
    • XIII Congreso Español sobre Tecnologias y Logica Fuzzy (Estylf 2006) () (.2006.Ciudad Real) - 01/01/2006 - 27/07/2024 (CIUDAD REAL)
  • A Crisp Representation for Fuzzy Shoin with Fuzzy Nominals and General Concept Inclusions (Congreso)
    • Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel / Gómez-Romero, Juan
    • Iswc Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (Ursw 2006) (2) (2.2006.Athens (Georgia, Estados Unidos)) - 01/01/2006 - 27/07/2024 (ATHENS (GEORGIA, ESTADOS UNIDOS))
  • Towards a Digital Library. Bibliographical Semantic Portal (Congreso)
    • Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Moreno-Vázquez, Mª Del Carmen
    • International Conference on Multimedia and Information and Communication Technologies in Education (M-Icte2006) (4.2006.Sevilla, España) - 01/01/2006 - 27/07/2024 (Santander (ESPAÑA))
  • Towards Semantic Web Services: a Brief Overview (Congreso)
    • Bobillo-Ortega, Fernando / Gómez-Romero, Juan / Pérez-Pérez, Ramón
    • Iadis International Conference (Www/Internet 2005) () (.2005.Lisboa, Portugal) - 01/01/2005 - 27/07/2024 (LISBOA, PORTUGAL)

Tesis Doctorales

  • Knowledge Mobilization: Architectures, Models and Applications (Curso 2008/2009)
    • Doctorando: Gómez-Romero, Juan
    • Directores: Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel